(AWS) Amazon Web Services

  1. Cloud computing with AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster.

(AWS) Amazon Web Services


1 linux Command line                                                                                    5 session
2 Cloud Fundamentals                                                                                   3 session
3 AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate                                         40 session
4 Python Programming                                                                                  10 Sessions
5 Job Readiness PrograM                                                                              4 Session

  • LINUX Command Line Module – Course Content

▪ Unix and Linux
▪ Unix System Architecture
▪ Unix Philosophy
▪ What is Linux?
▪ Using a Linux System
▪ Linux Command Line
▪ Logging Out
▪ Command Syntax
▪ Files
▪ Creating Files with cat
▪ Displaying Files’ Contents with cat
▪ Deleting Files with rm
▪ Unix Command Feedback
▪ Copying and Renaming Files with cp and mv
▪ Filename Completion
▪ Command History
▪ Lab Exercises

  • Getting Started

▪ Files and Directories
▪ Examples of Absolute Paths
▪ Current Directory
▪ Making and Deleting Directories
▪ Relative Paths
▪ Special Dot Directories
▪ Using Dot Directories in Paths
▪ Hidden Files
▪ Paths to Home Directories
▪ Looking for Files in the System
▪ Running Programs
▪ Specifying Multiple Files
▪ Finding Documentation for Programs
▪ Specifying Files with Wildcards
▪ Chaining Programs Together
▪ Graphical and Text Interfaces
▪ Text Editors
▪ Lab Exercises

  • Work Effectively on the Unix Command Line

▪ Shells
▪ The Bash Shell
▪ Shell Commands
▪ Command-Line Argument Syntax of
Command-Line Options
▪ Examples of Command-Line Options
▪ Setting Shell Variables
▪ Environment Variables
▪ Where Programs are Found
▪ Bash Configuration Variables
▪ Using History
▪ Reusing History Items
▪ Retrieving Arguments from the History
▪ Summary of Bash Editing Keys
▪ Combining Commands on One Line
▪ Repeating Commands with for
▪ Command Substitution
▪ Finding Files More Flexibly:find
▪ Find Criteria
▪ Find Actions: Executing Programs
▪ Lab Exercises

  • Perform Basic File Management File System Objects

▪ Directory and File Names
▪ File extensions
▪ Going Back to Previous Directories
▪ Filename completion
▪ Wildcard Patterns
▪ Copying files with cp
▪ Examples of cp
▪ Moving Files with mv
▪ Deleting Files with rm
▪ Deleting files with Peculiar Names
▪ making Directories with mkdir
▪ Removing Directories with rmdir
▪ Identifying Types of Files
▪ Changing Timestamps with touch
▪ Exercise

  •  Search Text Files Using Regular Expressions
▪ Searching Files with grep
▪ Pattern Matching
▪ Matching Repeated Patterns
▪ Matching Alternative Patterns
▪ Extended Regular Expression Syntax
▪ Exercises

  • Manage File Ownership

▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions on Files
▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions on Directories
▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions for Different Groups of People
▪ Examining Permissions:ls -l.

  • Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files

▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions on Files
▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions on Directories
▪ Basic Concepts: Permissions for Different Groups of People
▪ Examining Permissions:ls -l.
▪ Preserving Permissions When Copying Files

Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files

▪ How Permissions are Applied
▪ Changing File and Directory Permissions:chmod.
▪ Specifying Permissions for chmod.
▪ Exercises Cl

  • Cloud Orientation Module – Course Content
Introduction to Cloud
▪ Operating Systems
▪ Virtualization
▪Cloud - Realtime Use Case discussions
Cloud Companies

  • Application Delivery

▪ Code
▪ Build
▪ Test
▪ Deploy
▪ Environments

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
  • Module Course Content

AWS Overview
▪ Fundamentals of Cloud
▪ Fundamentals of Virtualization
▪ Cloud Service Offerings
▪ Cloud Deployment Models
▪ History of AWS
▪ Overview of AWS Products and Services
▪Free Tier Account
▪ AWS Global Infrastructure
▪ AWS Terminologies

  • Identity And Access Management(IAM)
▪ Accounts and Services layer
▪ IAM Overview ▪ IAM (Users, Groups, Policies, Roles & Best Practices)
▪ IAM - Hands On

  • Elastic Cloud Compute(EC2)
  • EC2 Overview
▪ Amazon EC2 Overview
▪ Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
▪ EC2 Instance Types
▪ EC2 Purchase Options
▪ User data & Metadata
▪ Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
▪ EBS Snapshots
▪ Placements Groups
▪ EC2 Best Practices
▪ EC2 - Hands On

  • Fault Tolerance
▪ Introduction To Fault Tolerance
▪ Launch Configuration
▪ Auto Scaling Group
▪ Hands On

  • High Availability
▪ High Availability VPC Design
▪ Introduction to Load Balancing
▪ Generic Load Balancer - NGINX
▪ Classic Load Balancer
▪ Network Load Balancer
▪ Application Load Balancer
▪ Hands On

  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
▪ Amazon S3 Overview
▪ S3 Buckets
▪ Version Control
▪ Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management
▪ Cloudfront and Con
▪ Security and Encryption
▪ Import/Export & Snowball
▪ Amazon S3 Best Practices
▪ Hands On

  • Databases
▪ Databases Overview
▪ Relational Database Service (RDS)
▪ DynamoDB
▪ Redshift
▪ Amazon Elasticache
▪ Databases Best Practices
▪ Hands On

  • Network Layer
▪ Networking Layer
▪ Traditional Network Components
▪ Amazon VPC Overview
▪ VPC Features
▪ Default VPC vs Custom VPC
▪ VPC Routing Basics
▪ Gateways
▪ Subnets
▪ Route Tables
▪ Security Groups
▪ VPC Best Practices
▪ Hands On

  • Advanced VPC Concepts
 VPC Peering
▪ Bastion Hosts
▪ Nat Gateway
▪ VPC Peering
▪ Bastion Hosts
▪ Nat Gateway

(AWS) Amazon Web Services

  • Route 53
▪ Amazon Route 53 Overview
▪ Amazon Route 53 & DNS
▪ Amazon Route 53 Routing Policies
▪ Amazon Route 53 Best Practices
▪ Amazon Route 53 Costs & Prices
▪ Practice Assignment: Amazon
Route 53 Hosted Zone
▪ Hands On with Route 53

  • Monitoring Services
▪ Simple Notification Service (SNS)
▪ Simple Queue Service (SQS)
▪ Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
▪ Monitoring - Cloudwatch
▪ Auditing - Cloudtrail
▪ Hands On

  • Python Programming Module – Course Content
▪ What is Python?
▪ Python - Overview
▪ Features of Python
▪ Applications of Python
▪ Differences between Python 2 & 3
▪ Environment Setup
▪ Basic Syntax
▪ Variable Types
▪ Basic Operators
▪ Decision Making
▪ Loops
▪ Numbers
▪ Strings
▪ Lists
▪ Tuples
▪ Dictionary
▪ Date & Time
▪ Functions
▪ Modules

  • Capstone projects
▪ Deploying a fully-fledged mobile application on AWS.
▪ Building and deploying real-time applications on AWS.

  • Job Readiness Program
▪ Resume building.
▪ Guidance on building a portfolio.
▪ Job application guidance.
▪ Effective communication skills.
▪ SWOT Analysis.
▪ Effective non-verbal communications.

  • Stay Tuned For More Blogs And Updates.....
